Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Link Dump Time

Or better known as how I waste time...

This was the first pic where I saw my
hoop in action.  Nice!
Mood Hoops.  If you have never been able to hula hoop, these will inspire you.  We ended up having a hoop inspired dance party at the family camping trip!  I also learned that my friend's second grader can hoop much better than I can.

Huff Post Cats.  Because cats deserve their own news feed. 

Humble Bundle offers games, music, and book collections and you set the price.  You pick the proportion of your payment that goes to the authors/developers and to charities such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation.  Book downloads have gotten much easier since the first Bundle.

I have a nephew this would be perfect for.  The Sound Track train set allows little ones to compose while they play.  Not out yet, I'm hoping it will be in time for Christmas.

Pasta Primavera
Note: my version looked not nearly as pretty as this.
Made pasta primavera last night with this recipe as inspiration.  I could eat the tomatoes with balsamic sauce as dessert.  

I finally decided to go to my high school reunion. Actually just the cocktail hour because I don't want to be trapped at a buffet without ready access to the bar.  I've been reading these reunion horror stories to inoculate myself.